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    Things I Miss About Working at Site

    There are so many things about working in an office that are fabulously great. But, believe it or not, working at site is really far different. And I made a lot of adjustments just to fit in and not to be bored and sleepy at my new work environment.

    The list of things I miss about working at site is long and varied. I narrowed it down to make it lesser.

    Working Hours

    At site, our working hour starts from 7am and ends at 4pm. Lunch break is from 11:30am to 1pm. We opted to have 90 minutes lunch break instead of the 15 minutes break in the morning, 1 hour lunch break and another 15 minutes break in the afternoon. This is to maximize time working at site and to have a longer time to snooze or do our thing in the noon. Time flies fast at site. You would not notice it when you are at site and with amazing people.

    Morning Routines

    Toolbox prayer, toolbox exercise and toolbox meeting were our early morning routine at site. We cannot start a day working without it except when it is raining. It was always a fun-filled toolbox exercise at site because of the energetic skilled workers dancing at the stage, some gracefully and some off beat. You also would not mind doing the off beat exercise.

    Lunch Break

    I came to realize that I had the best lunches at site. Nobody eats alone at site, we eat together. Most of the time, we contribute an amount to buy for everybody’s lunch. Sr. Pedro chicken, Baliuag Lechon Manok, Hypermarket Roasted Chicken were among our favorites plus ice cream, pizza and a lot more to add. Boodle Fight was so far the most memorable lunch I had at site.

    Loud music

    Everybody loves loud music plus the off-tone singing and off-beat dancing. This would always remind me of stressful day at work. No one minds the loud volume as long as we know the song and we can carry the tune.

    Gossips and Conversations

    This one is a never-ending. Gossips of yesterday is the same as today. Everyone loves to bring back those we had a year ago. I came to realize that men gossip also. And they are the best and sometimes worst gossipers. Though, I learned a lot from them.

    Gray Uniform and Rugged Pants

    I comfortably wear my gray uniform at site. Before, I would not mind seen in rugged/cargo pants as long as I am comfortable wearing those.

    Moving Out

    We moved out several times. I recorded 12 times since Phase 1 of Solaire Resorts and Casino. Imagine the packing and repacking, mobilizing and demobilizing for 12 times in a span of almost 4 years. I began to get used to it. I am no longer a newbie.

    Thanks to the supply of green, and chamomile tea and sandwich spreads in the morning. The perks of working at Solaire includes this. Thanks to Noel and Ryan.


    To which, we quoted as “Forever Plans”. It takes 2-3 persons to make it happen. If these 2-3 persons wanted it to happen, most likely it will happen. An example to this is our Enchanted Kingdom plan. After a year of thorough planning.. we made it finally.

    But what I really, really miss about working at site? It is not the light work load I had, not the printer next to me, nor the scanner or the internet connection, but

    The Team

    We had the amazing team back there… staff and workers. I can guarantee that. I would not be doing this list if I do not miss them this much. Writing about it makes me feel proud about what we are now and what we have become. We may not see each other very often, but keep in mind that I am just a Messenger away.

  • Life Lately

    {Life Lately} When in Alaminos, Pangasinan

    We recently took a quick break from the city to enjoy some fresh air and salty water in Hundred Islands, Alaminos, Pangasinan. I had my fair share of sandy toes, sunburnt skin, and salty hair. Thank God for allowing me to take a break from work. I was beyond happy granting this unexpected travel. Thank you, Ma’am Irele, for tagging me along.

    Spontaneous trips were one of the best trips I ever had.

    I was hesitant with the idea of making a spontaneous trip. But looking through all of my trips, spontaneous trips were one of the best trips I ever had. You have to go on with the flow. I guess I am lucky to be surrounded by people with the same passion, Travel.

    Since this was an impromptu trip, I never had a chance to do lots of preparation. I am so much intrigued about the islands and islets that made me wonder if it is really 100.

    Time to strike through Hundred Islands in my Travel Bucket List. Also, I got a chance to confirm if it is ONE hundred islands. YES, it is 100++ islands and islets.

    The whole day was not enough to explore with so much more to see. Although our visit was short, it was worth every second.

    If you are looking for a trip that is not costly and would fit your budget perfectly, Hundred Island is the place to be.

  • Life Lately

    {Why} I Love the Beach Even If I Can’t Swim

    Yes, I cannot swim. And I mean it. People do not believe me when I tell them I cannot swim. Maybe because I love going to the beach and I look as though I can swim but I really cannot. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for not providing me swimming lessons when I was a kid.

    There are more than hundreds of reasons why I always head to the beach even if I do not know how to swim. Life is better at the beach. However, it is more than just the sun, sand, and sea.

    Great place to drink and to chill. Besides the beach, I love drinking – with sand between my toes, a stunning view in front of me, and the smell of the ocean – all add to the chilling factor of a beach destination.

    The sound of the waves. The waves have a calming effect on me. There is no sound better than the sound of the waves on the beach.

    Stunning view. I want to wake up seeing the beach and the palm trees. I bet I will never get bored of the view.

    Awesome food. I am a big foodie. Being close to the beach means I got to enjoy fresh seafood. I love seafood. I would never get tired eating the same.

    Something new to experience. It is a different world altogether when you are at the beach.

    Enjoy basking in the heat of the sun. I always have a tan after all my vacations. The sun also provides breathtaking sunsets at the beach.

    A great time to spend quality time with friends/family. A chance to be together without distractions. I have been with my sister twice. I should have taken her with me whenever I go to the beach.

    A great place to unplug from technology. It feels good to relax without a computer, phone, and tablet for a few days. No connection! Just you, your friends, and the beach.

    A chance to get away from stressful city life. I always crave for peace and tranquility. A trip to the beach is all I need to disconnect from everyday problems, stress, and a perfect setting to connect with nature.

    Why do I love the beach? Let me count the ways.

  • Life Lately

    {Life Lately} When in Banaue-Sagada-Baguio

    I rarely talk about what happened to me lately. Since, I am running out of ideas again for blog posts. Here I am starting this Life Lately series. I hope I will be able to keep up this series.

    Last week is filled with Banaue-Sagada-Baguio travels with my officemates/friends/travel buddies to celebrate Ma’am Kath’s birthday.

    I experienced a lot of firsts on this trip.

    I had my first travel disappointment. On this trip, I planned to take boyfriend. Bags were packed and travel package/fees had been paid. And boy, boyfriend became suddenly sick and can no longer come. Php 2,360 is such a waste of money. Bye bye Php 2,360!

    Spelunking Sumaguing Cave was not that fun either. I had put so much effort into slipping our way down on the rocks. I should have worn sturdier sandals instead of the one I was wearing. But, it was a pretty first and probably my last caving experience.

    Our trek to Bomok-Od Falls was one of a kind. I pushed myself up to my limit for the first time. The payoff was not so great, but the experience is awesome. There were lots of tourists trying to get their photos everywhere. We cannot get a nicer view of the falls with lots people around.

    Read: {Lessons Learned} Trekking Bomok-Od Falls

    We surprised Ma’am Kath with a little unprepared birthday celebration. It was quite an impromptu— another first. But it was successful.

    I have not seen much of Sagada on our visit. I still have lots of things to strike out in my {Random Things} To Do in Sagada. I hope I can visit Sagada again anytime soon.

  • Life Lately

    {Lessons Learned} Trekking Bomok-Od Falls

    Our trip to Bomok-Od Falls in Sagada made me realize that I am not really into trekking, hiking, mountaineering or any that involves long walks. That trip will be the first and last. I was not aware that it is a two-hour hike going to the falls and another two hours going back.

    Yes, I pushed myself to my limits, both physically and mentally. Going down to the falls is hard, heading back is even harder. I felt the tightness on my legs on every step. Though, I wanted to give up but I did not. My determination to reach the destination and complete the hike was little stronger.

    On this trek, I have learned a lot of lessons in life.

    You do not need a lot of material things in life.

    Just walking stick, and comfortable foot wear and you are good to go. I relied mostly on the walking stick on my way down. I would not imagine myself walking without it. Thank you, walking stick!

    All possessions are temporary. The most beautiful things in life are the people, places and experiences.

    Water is life.

    I never realized the need for this until I started trekking. Water is important. It brings extra energy to keep us going and maintain sanity.

    You cannot live alone; you need people to go on.

    I almost gave up on my way down. I cannot feel my feet anymore. What I feel is the tightness on my legs. But my friends cheered for me.

    As long as there is at least one person who cares, I will not give up the fight.

    Keep moving one step at a time.

    No matter how fast/slow you are going, as long as you progress, you will reach your destination.

    In the end, it will all be worth it.

    Is it worth it? Nah! The payoff was not so great but the experience is awesome. It is the experience we wanted in the first place. The week after was a week of pain relievers.

    Every life lived to the fullest is an adventure and also a lesson.
