• Random

    A Day in Graham, NC: Triple Celebration

    Last week, Thea invited my sister and her family to a special occasion—the birthday celebration of her two children and the housewarming of their new home in Graham. Mom and I tagged along. We were the first to arrive at the party. While waiting for the other guests, Thalia and Uriah immediately started playing tag. It was so much fun to watch them! They seemed to be enjoying themselves so much, running around with pure joy. We were also pleasantly surprised to see that they had rented inflatables, ensuring that the kids (and the kids at heart) wouldn’t get bored!

    As more guests arrived, the party officially started. The food was laid out on the table, and we served ourselves. Thea and her family had cooked all the delicious dishes. There were so many tasty options, clearly prepared with a lot of love and effort. After eating, we all sang happy birthday to the celebrants. The kids were so happy, surrounded by friends and family, everyone cheerfully singing along.

    Their place in Graham is beautiful—quiet, far from the crowds, and with such a refreshing ambiance. It felt like a place you’d want to stay forever! As the celebration continued, we noticed other guests slowly leaving, but we stayed until the very end. That day was truly worth it. The house was filled with laughter, stories, and joyful memories. It wasn’t just a party; it was a celebration of life, friendship, and new beginnings. Thank you, Thea, for inviting us. Until next time!

  • Random

    Yearning for Amazon Finds

    Today, I found myself browsing Amazon, and my fingers were itching to click that checkout button. If only I had the money, I would’ve already checked out everything in my cart. There are a few things I’ve been eyeing—like iPhone cases. Specifically, I want a transparent one, and a classy black one.

    Aside from phone cases, I’m also itching to get myself a Stalogy notebook. There’s something about starting fresh with a crisp, new notebook/journal that gets me excited about journaling my days. And of course, I can’t forget about pens! A good set of pens makes planning and note-taking so much more enjoyable.

    However, the reality is that I am currently without work. I’m hopeful that things will turn around soon. But for now, my shopping spree remains a daydream. I’ll have to hold off until my wallet agrees with my wishlist. Until then, I’ll keep adding items to my cart and imagining the day when I can finally hit that “Place Your Order” button without a second thought.

    Maybe soon I’ll find a way to treat myself to a few of these goodies. For now, I’ll just enjoy the anticipation and keep my fingers crossed for some extra cash to come my way. I’ll stay patient and keep my spirits high. I know that better days are ahead. Until then, I’ll enjoy the thrill of window shopping and planning for brighter times ahead.

  • Random

    Life and Blogging

    I woke up this morning feeling inspired to write. It’s been a while since I sat down and made a blog post. Lately, I’ve found myself turning to Instagram for quick updates, but I’ve been missing the deeper connections that blogging used to bring. Remember when we used to pour our hearts out on our blogs, journaling our lives for the world to see? Those were the days I truly miss.

    Life’s too short to live in the Instagram square; let’s break out the paragraphs and write our stories in full sentences.

    While I’ve missed spending time on my blog, I’ve been struggling to find the motivation to keep up with everything else going on. Life seems to have ramped up its pace, and finding time for everything has become an increasingly challenge.

    Anyway, let’s catch up!

    This year has been whirlwind of changes and reflections for me. I’ve found myself reevaluating my life and what I want it to look like. While my “40 Before 40” list remains unchanged, I’m excited to start dreaming again about what I want my future to hold. It feels like the right time to shed the weight of things that no longer serve me and create space for the better things waiting.

    My recent overseas stint has prompted inquiries about whether I’ve resigned from work. It’s not a mid-life crisis or anything like that; I’ve just been feeling unsure about where I want to go next.

    There seems to be more I want to do than there are hours in the day. But I’m ready to start prioritizing and making time for the things that matter most.

    As I sit down and write this blog post, I’m not just sharing updates—I’m embarking on a journey of self-discovery. I invite you to join me as I navigate through this maze called life, one blog post at a time.

  • Random

    Mixed Emotions: Leaving the LPI Office

    Tomorrow is my last day at the LPI office for a while. I’ll be gone for 28 working days, almost 45 days in total. It’s a strange feeling; I’m not quite sure what to make of it. There’s a mix of emotions swirling around inside me.

    I’m excited and thrilled because I’ll be accompanying my mom to the USA. It’s a big trip, and the thought of it fills me with anticipation. But I’m also trying not to get too excited just yet.

    My sister told me that as soon as we get our passports, she’ll book our trip immediately. It’s going to be that quick! The idea of everything happening so fast is both exhilarating and a bit nerve-wracking.

    As I prepare for my last day at the office, I find myself reflecting on my time here. I’ll miss my colleagues and the routine we’ve built. But at the same time, I’m looking forward to the adventures that await.

    So, here’s to hoping for fantastic trip ahead. I’m ready for the change, even if it comes with a few jitters. Tomorrow will be a day of goodbyes and see-you-laters, and then it’s on to new experiences and memories. After a long vacation, I’ll be back, hopefully refreshed and full of new stories to share.

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    40 Before 40

    I am not sure how it happened so fast. It has been a month since I turned 39. In less than a year, I will be FORTY. And not even far enough in life.

    See: How I Celebrated My Birthday

    Honestly speaking, I could not be more excited. It cannot be avoided. That is life.

    Life begins at 40, they say.

    But before I turn that age, I want to accomplish things that I felt I should have done in my twenties. I want to complete at least a handful of these before I reach it.

    I have been meaning to write this list for a while now, but I always got distracted. But I am determined to make it happen. I know it is going to be exciting.

    40 things in less than a year is a lot, but I will try my best ticking most before I am 40 or even 50. This is all about having fun chasing dreams.

    See: {Travel Bucket List} 80+ Challenges

    Here are my 40 goals before I turn 40.

    1. Travel somewhere SOLO – It scares and excites me in equal measure.
    2. Book a photoshoot session – Capture this moment in time.
    3. Take a road trip – I started driving this year; now I’m ready for an adventure.
    4. Celebrate New Year in a different province – Ring in the New Year somewhere new.
    5. Do a five-kilometer run – My first marathon attempt.
    6. Get in shape – Reach 65kg and feel confident in a bikini.
    7. Develop an exercise routine – Make fitness a habit.
    8. Enjoy a spa day every now and then – Regular self-care.
    9. Launch a YouTube Channel – Maybe about road trips? Let’s see.
    10. Try a short haircut – But not shorter than last year.
    11. Give my hair a lighter hue – Step out of my comfort zone.
    12. Get rid of credit card debt – Financial freedom by forty.
    13. Have savings and insurance – Start a side hustle if needed.
    14. Complete a 30 to 120-day “No Spend” challenge – No Shopee/Lazada, no FoodPanda.
    15. Build a capsule wardrobe – Find and stick to a style that works for me.
    16. Plan my 40th birthday with family – A celebration to remember.
    17. Buy/Get myself an amazing 40th birthday present – I deserve it.
    18. Write in my blog every single day – Consistency is key.
    19. Ride a motorcycle – Recently learned and planning to own one.
    20. Become a morning person – A lifelong challenge for this night owl.

    Continue reading, we are only half way there.
