• Life Lately

    How I Celebrated My Birthday

    I cannot remember the last time I shared my birthday celebration with my colleagues. Usually, I take vacation leave to spend it with my family or friends. This time, I have decided to go to work on my birthday, since I am saving the remaining 1-1/2 leave credits I have for the Christmas Holiday.

    Since, I know my colleagues very well, I was not expecting anything from them. Never in my thoughts had a slightest idea.

    My colleagues were taken aback when I showed up early than my usual. Their hands were full putting up the birthday banner they diy-ed. I could not help but giggle at their faces. They were caught off guard. Anyways, I let them finish whatever they are doing.

    At around 11:30am, my sister and nephew called. My nephew got me the sweetest birthday wish. And as we were talking, I was surprised to hear my colleagues singing behind me.. The cake and the gesture.

    Sales and Engineering Team

    I took SNM/ENG out to lunch and PMD colleague to dinner.

    Later that night, I took a walk around the neighborhood. It was so nice to just enjoy my own company.

    Happy Birthday, Self.

    Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday.

  • Random

    Weekend Reflections

    Today marks the end of a three-day weekend. Long weekends only come around a few times a year, making them a precious opportunity to recharge and unwind.

    Saturday greeted me with the luxury of waking up late, a feeling that never gets old, especially knowing there’s no work waiting for me the next day. Yesterday, we had a blast with trick-or-treating, a tradition we hadn’t enjoyed since 2019. The treats were delightful, and the joy of the occasion lingered as I savored a lazy morning. Eventually, I got myself out of bed and dove into the day. A quick lunch at Robinsons Galleria was a perfect way to kickstart the weekend vibes.

    Sunday arrived with a couple of plans in mind, but they were cancelled in favor of a more relaxed approach. As the day unfolded, I found myself catching up on all the things that often get pushed aside during work day.

    Reflecting on my weekend, I couldn’t help but wonder how others were spending their days off. Are they making the most of this precious time, or letting it slip away? Long weekends offer a chance to break free from routine and inject some excitement into our lives.

    For me, they’re a reminder to embrace spontaneity and seek out new experiences. Whether it’s exploring a new hobby, indulging in a mini adventure, or simply enjoying quality time with loved ones, there’s always room for something special.

    As the long weekend draws to a close, I find myself marveling at how quickly the time has flown by. But instead of lamenting its passing, I’m grateful for the memories made and the opportunity to rest and recharge.

    So, what do you usually do on long weekends? Whether it’s a quiet retreat or an action-packed adventure, I’d love to hear how you make the most of your well-deserved break.

  • Random

    Life’s Whirlwind

    Today has been a whirlwind of emotions, a rollercoaster of doubts and decisions. Isn’t it funny how our minds can be so unpredictable? One moment, we’re ready to throw in the towel, and the next, we’re determined to push forward, no matter what.

    Time seems to slip away so fast, and suddenly, the deadline is right around the corner. But instead of letting it stress me out, I’ve decided to face it head-on. Next week, my domain needs renewing, and even though I don’t have all the resources yet, I’m not giving up. I’m determined to figure it out, step by step.

    Looking back on the past year, I can’t help but recognize how much my blog has meant to me, especially during the uncertainty of the pandemic. When everything else felt chaotic, my blog was my safe space. It’s where I found comfort and could be myself, even when the world seemed to stand still.

    Also, I reached a personal milestone—I finally opened my own bank account, the RCBC One Account. It might seem a bit clichéd, a bit overdue, but better late than never, right? With a little encouragement from my sister, I took the leap, getting closer to financial independence.

    I’m really looking forward to getting my passbook, checkbook, and debit card. It feels like the start of a journey towards managing my money responsibly and building a better future for myself.

    If you’re curious about the RCBC One Account, you can check out their website or visit one of their branches. Who knows, maybe it’ll be the first step towards your own journey of renewal and new beginnings.

    Until next time!

  • Life Lately

    Why I Cannot Live Without Planners

    Do you remember the first time I learned how to keep a planner? It feels like a lifetime ago, on my very first day of school at just five years old. The school handed us these little “diaries,” and from that moment on, I was hooked.

    Even in this digital age, I’ve stuck to my old-school ways. There’s just something about putting pen to paper that feels right. My planner is my lifeline, my ticket to staying organized in this chaotic world. Without it, I’d be lost.

    I’ve tried all sorts of planners over the years, but my current favorite is the Take A Note Planner. It’s been my faithful companion for the past couple of years, and I couldn’t imagine life without it.

    One of the biggest reasons I love my planner is because it keeps me from forgetting important things. From birthdays to bill payments, I jot it all down. It takes the stress out of trying to remember everything and lets me focus on living in the moment.

    My planner also helps me manage my time better. Let’s face it, I’m easily distracted and prone to hopping from one task to another. But with my to-do lists neatly laid out, I can stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed.

    Not only does my planner boost my productivity at work, but it also helps me stay on top of things at home. From appointments to household chores, it’s all there, keeping me accountable.

    And let’s not forget about finances. My planner is a lifesaver when it comes to monitoring my spending habits. It’s like having a personal finance coach right at my fingertips, helping me make smarter choices with my money.

    But perhaps the best part of all is looking back and seeing everything I’ve accomplished. My planner is a testament to all the little victories along the way, reminding me that I’m capable of more than I think.

    There truly are endless benefits to using a planner, and I’m grateful for the sense of order and control it brings to my life.

    Do you remember the first time I learned how to keep a planner?

    It feels like a lifetime ago, on my very first day of school at just five years old. The school handed us these little “diaries,” and from that moment on, I was hooked.

    Even in this digital age, I’ve stuck to my old-school ways. There’s just something about putting pen to paper that feels right. My planner is my lifeline, my ticket to staying organized in this chaotic world. Without it, I’d be lost.

    I’ve tried all sorts of planners over the years, but my current favorite is the Take A Note Planner. It’s been my faithful companion for the past couple of years, and I couldn’t imagine life without it.

    One of the biggest reasons I love my planner is because it keeps me from forgetting important things. From birthdays to bill payments, I jot it all down. It takes the stress out of trying to remember everything and lets me focus on living in the moment.

    My planner also helps me manage my time better. Let’s face it, I’m easily distracted and prone to hopping from one task to another. But with my to-do lists neatly laid out, I can stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed.

    Not only does my planner boost my productivity at work, but it also helps me stay on top of things at home. From appointments to household chores, it’s all there, keeping me accountable.

    And let’s not forget about finances. My planner is a lifesaver when it comes to monitoring my spending habits. It’s like having a personal finance coach right at my fingertips, helping me make smarter choices with my money.

    But perhaps the best part of all is looking back and seeing everything I’ve accomplished. My planner is a testament to all the little victories along the way, reminding me that I’m capable of more than I think.

    There truly are endless benefits to using a planner, and I’m grateful for the sense of order and control it brings to my life.

  • Life Lately

    How I Celebrated My Birthday

    I celebrated yet another birthday “alone.” Yes, I am once again alone on my birthday. I still can not believe we are under lockdown. I know that for some, celebrating alone might be strange and lonely, but for me, it is a nice experience, despite the fact that my options are quite restricted to staying at home and celebrating alone.

    I was determined to make this year’s celebration even more memorable than the previous year. Apart from the fact that it was my first time celebrating it alone and chronicling it on my blog, there was nothing special or extravagant about last year. Check out my post, How I Celebrated My Birthday.

    Insomnia hit once more, as it always does. I was awake when my phone chimed. My mom sent me a greeting. She either gets up extremely early or waits until 12 m.n. I absolutely love you, Mom!

    My phone chimed again just as I was about to go to sleep. My sister wished me a happy birthday as well.

    Then, I dozed off.

    I woke up early and began preparing for work. I would have requested a personal leave, but I decided against it since I will be working from home. It is OK to get a few things done on my to-do list this week.

    I was expecting a video call from my family before I started working. You know how much I love that my family calls me first thing in the morning on my birthday. Unfortunately, they were unable to contact me in the morning due to an unforeseen power outage in our town. What is going on, Nuvelco?

    Greetings were sent out over Facebook, Messenger, and Viber. It is amazing how messages started pouring in as soon as Janice, my closest friend at work, wished me a happy birthday in our Viber group. Thank you, team! I enjoyed your well wishes.

    I am actually undecided about what to get myself this year. I enjoyed last year’s cake, but it was rather pricey. So I sought another option and discovered that Boulangerie22 was offering a great deal. In addition, I ordered rice and beef bulgogi. I also got myself Army Navy’s famous LiberTea, Salted Caramel and Brown Sugar Milk Tea. The glass mason jar astonished me. I can always reuse it at home for making my own drinks.

    At about 3 p.m., I lit my birthday candle and sang a birthday song. Singing had me a little teary-eyed.

    Happy Birthday, Self!

    After that, I called my family and sent them photos.

    I really had a great time celebrating and eating. Because of the outpouring of greetings, I decided to treat my family and close friends for a low-key meal.

    How do you usually celebrate your birthday? I would like to know.
