
My Go-To Excuse To Get Out of Any Plan

If you want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse. – Jim Rohn

I was invited by my office mates to join them on their trip to Hundred Islands, Alaminos, Pangasinan. I said, “Yes” without even having second thoughts. I am known for being the “kaladkarin” in our group. I would love to join every “lakad” my friends and office mates have. I would never turn down any invitation. It bothers me to turn someone down. However, I cannot always say “yes” every time my friends want to make plans. I can get away with honesty with a few close friends. But I am obliged to come up with a better excuse for anyone else, for they will never understand me.

No. It is not just a little word but it holds so much power.

It has always been wrong to decline with an excuse. Knowing how to refuse helps avoid hurt feelings. But it is perfectly fine to say,

  • You have other plans for that particular time. No further explanation is required. Otherwise, it will sound like you are trying to come up with excuses.
  • You feel tired and exhausted. You are taking time off and badly need quiet time.
  • You cannot afford it. This is the main reason why I cannot join mostly and why I love staying more at home. But it is just not in the budget right now.
  • Or tell them the truth. If they are true friends, they will understand whatever your reason is. You do not need to find another reason to cover up.

You do not want to, that is more than sufficient reason in itself. There is no excuse for speaking out what you have in mind. To decline an invitation does not mean rejecting that person or group.
