Life Lately

{Lessons Learned} Trekking Bomok-Od Falls

Our trip to Bomok-Od Falls in Sagada made me realize that I am not really into trekking, hiking, mountaineering or any that involves long walks. That trip will be the first and last. I was not aware that it is a two-hour hike going to the falls and another two hours going back.

Yes, I pushed myself to my limits, both physically and mentally. Going down to the falls is hard, heading back is even harder. I felt the tightness on my legs on every step. Though, I wanted to give up but I did not. My determination to reach the destination and complete the hike was little stronger.

On this trek, I have learned a lot of lessons in life.

You do not need a lot of material things in life.

Just walking stick, and comfortable foot wear and you are good to go. I relied mostly on the walking stick on my way down. I would not imagine myself walking without it. Thank you, walking stick!

All possessions are temporary. The most beautiful things in life are the people, places and experiences.

Water is life.

I never realized the need for this until I started trekking. Water is important. It brings extra energy to keep us going and maintain sanity.

You cannot live alone; you need people to go on.

I almost gave up on my way down. I cannot feel my feet anymore. What I feel is the tightness on my legs. But my friends cheered for me.

As long as there is at least one person who cares, I will not give up the fight.

Keep moving one step at a time.

No matter how fast/slow you are going, as long as you progress, you will reach your destination.

In the end, it will all be worth it.

Is it worth it? Nah! The payoff was not so great but the experience is awesome. It is the experience we wanted in the first place. The week after was a week of pain relievers.

Every life lived to the fullest is an adventure and also a lesson.
