• Travels

    Day 3 of 4 States in 4-Days: Pennsylvania and D.C.

    Day 3 of the adventure started with a bit of a rough start—I ended up pulling an all-nighter thanks to the K-Drama “Queen of Tears.” Sleep finally caught up with me around 4am, only to be interrupted by my sister and my 4-year old nephew. Breakfast was a blur of sausage, eggs, and apple juice, the classic combo. I even attempted pancakes, but let’s just say they weren’t my finest culinary moment.

    But hey, today had something exciting in store.

    Hershey, PA

    Now, my relationship with chocolate is a bit like a rollercoaster—sometimes I am all in, other times it is a hard pass. But today was like a dream come true. You can imagine how happy I was. Every moment was delightful and filled with sweetness and joy. Stepping into Hershey’s Chocolate World, I expected a simple shopping spree, but my sister had other plans. We ended up on the adventure journey, though I suspect we weren’t on the same page about which tour to take. My nephew had a blast on the Candy Expedition.

    Despite the confusion, I managed to snag some adorable keychains, fridge magnets, and shot glasses, all carefully chosen with my workmates in mind. I can already picture their smiles when they see these souvenirs!

    Washington, DC

    As we drove into the capital, I couldn’t help but notice how scorching hot it was, despite the leafy canopy of trees lining the streets. I did feel hunger creeping up on me as we strolled along. All I wanted was to stay in the cool confines of the car, but duty called. Off we went, ready to explore the nation’s capital, even if it meant enduring a bit of heatstroke along the way. Waiting for the Circulator was bit of a drag. We waited nearly 45minutes for a dollar ride. Nothing beats exploring the city with good company. I was torn between wanting to soak in the sights and yearning for the sweet relief of air conditioning.

    Alexandria, VA

    Today’s adventure led us straight to Jollibee in Virginia. With 2-piece chicken and palabok on the table, we were ready for a taste of home. Despite missing out on my beloved sundae, the hearty portions of chicken made up for it, American-style! Every bite was a nostalgic journey, reminding us of the comforts of Filipino cuisine. Jollibee in Virginia isn’t just a restaurant—it’s a heartwarming reminder that home is wherever good food and good company come together.

    Sitting there with my uncle and mom, sharing stories and laughter over a delicious meal, I felt a deep sense of contentment. The familiar flavors and the warmth of the restaurant’s ambiance wrapped around us like a comforting hug. It was a beautiful reminder that, no matter how far we roam, the tastes and traditions of home are always there to bring us back to our roots.

    After a hearty meal at Jollibee, we made our way to Holiday Inn. Though the elevator felt a bit dated, the cozy atmosphere more than made up for it. I welcomed the comfort of our room and drifted off to sleep early, knowing that a good night’s rest awaited. Sometimes, the simple joys of a cozy inn are all you need to recharge for the adventures ahead.

    As I nestled into the soft, welcoming bed, I reflected on the day’s adventures, from the sweet delights of Hershey’s Chocolate World to the historical splendor of Washington, DC, and the comforting familiarity of Jollibee. It had been a day filled with little moments of joy and discovery, and now, with the promise of a peaceful night’s sleep, I felt ready to embrace whatever adventures tomorrow might bring.
