• Life Lately

    How I Celebrated My Birthday

    I cannot remember the last time I shared my birthday celebration with my colleagues. Usually, I take vacation leave to spend it with my family or friends. This time, I have decided to go to work on my birthday, since I am saving the remaining 1-1/2 leave credits I have for the Christmas Holiday.

    Since, I know my colleagues very well, I was not expecting anything from them. Never in my thoughts had a slightest idea.

    My colleagues were taken aback when I showed up early than my usual. Their hands were full putting up the birthday banner they diy-ed. I could not help but giggle at their faces. They were caught off guard. Anyways, I let them finish whatever they are doing.

    At around 11:30am, my sister and nephew called. My nephew got me the sweetest birthday wish. And as we were talking, I was surprised to hear my colleagues singing behind me.. The cake and the gesture.

    Sales and Engineering Team

    I took SNM/ENG out to lunch and PMD colleague to dinner.

    Later that night, I took a walk around the neighborhood. It was so nice to just enjoy my own company.

    Happy Birthday, Self.

    Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday.

  • Life Lately

    How I Celebrated My Birthday

    I celebrated yet another birthday “alone.” Yes, I am once again alone on my birthday. I still can not believe we are under lockdown. I know that for some, celebrating alone might be strange and lonely, but for me, it is a nice experience, despite the fact that my options are quite restricted to staying at home and celebrating alone.

    I was determined to make this year’s celebration even more memorable than the previous year. Apart from the fact that it was my first time celebrating it alone and chronicling it on my blog, there was nothing special or extravagant about last year. Check out my post, How I Celebrated My Birthday.

    Insomnia hit once more, as it always does. I was awake when my phone chimed. My mom sent me a greeting. She either gets up extremely early or waits until 12 m.n. I absolutely love you, Mom!

    My phone chimed again just as I was about to go to sleep. My sister wished me a happy birthday as well.

    Then, I dozed off.

    I woke up early and began preparing for work. I would have requested a personal leave, but I decided against it since I will be working from home. It is OK to get a few things done on my to-do list this week.

    I was expecting a video call from my family before I started working. You know how much I love that my family calls me first thing in the morning on my birthday. Unfortunately, they were unable to contact me in the morning due to an unforeseen power outage in our town. What is going on, Nuvelco?

    Greetings were sent out over Facebook, Messenger, and Viber. It is amazing how messages started pouring in as soon as Janice, my closest friend at work, wished me a happy birthday in our Viber group. Thank you, team! I enjoyed your well wishes.

    I am actually undecided about what to get myself this year. I enjoyed last year’s cake, but it was rather pricey. So I sought another option and discovered that Boulangerie22 was offering a great deal. In addition, I ordered rice and beef bulgogi. I also got myself Army Navy’s famous LiberTea, Salted Caramel and Brown Sugar Milk Tea. The glass mason jar astonished me. I can always reuse it at home for making my own drinks.

    At about 3 p.m., I lit my birthday candle and sang a birthday song. Singing had me a little teary-eyed.

    Happy Birthday, Self!

    After that, I called my family and sent them photos.

    I really had a great time celebrating and eating. Because of the outpouring of greetings, I decided to treat my family and close friends for a low-key meal.

    How do you usually celebrate your birthday? I would like to know.

  • Life Lately

    How I Celebrated My Birthday

    Things did not go as planned. But everything turned out well. This birthday is the most memorable birthday I ever have. Never did I imagine myself celebrating my birthday alone. But hell yeah! I managed and loved the idea.

    My insomnia hit me. I was up till 6am watching Netflix movies, tossing and turning in my bed. Mom called me the minute I was about to shut off my eyes. My nephew was looking for me. I heard him saying Chicha, Tatata in the background. My nephew was not grumpy that morning. He was just looking at me, smiling, and giggling while feeding on milk. What a wonderful sight to start my day. Then we both fell asleep.

    Read: How to Celebrate Happy Birthday Alone

    I woke up past lunch time, checking on birthday messages. I immediately get up and prepare for lunch. I decided to cook Pesto Pasta instead of what I planned.

    I almost forgot the cake. I ordered Mary Grace Cheesecake thru FoodPanda. I rely mostly on FoodPanda these days.

    By 3 p.m., I decided to lit my birthday candle and sing myself a birthday song. It was the saddest out of tune birthday song.

    Happy Birthday, Self!

    While I obviously miss my family and friends, I enjoyed the day so much more than usual. It was my first time celebrating my birthday alone. My birthday turned out great. I was able to actually appreciate life.

  • Life Lately

    Thirty-Six and Thankful

    Would you ever know that I am now 36 just by looking at me? Nah, I bet. I just turned 36, and I am pretty proud of it. That is right. I do not have to be coy about my age. Not anymore. I used to lie about my age. Do not get me wrong. Lying about one’s age is regarded as socially acceptable. People often think that I am a bit younger than I am because of how I carry myself and express myself. I will never get tired of hearing people gasp when I tell them my age.

    This is exactly what a 36-year-old looks like.

    It is hard to believe that I am this age. I am a little past halfway through life, and I still have a lot of living to do. I am looking forward to having my own family (fingers crossed). Life requires us to keep on going.

    It is TIME for the next chapter.

    I thank God for making my life so beautiful. I am so blessed to celebrate another birthday. A lot of appreciation and love are sent to each of you for your kind birthday greetings and wishes. It means a lot when you send me greetings on my birthday. You made a great day even more exceptional. Hearing from you slightly lessened my despair at turning a year older.

    I cannot thank you enough, Lord Jesus, for bringing me this far in my life. This may not be what I had dreamed of, but you have blessed me with a life of good health, happiness, peace of mind, and good fortune. Such presents are worth more than all the money and treasures in the world. Please keep my heart away from sadness and my mind away from worries. [
  • Random

    How to Celebrate a Happy Birthday Alone

    Spending your birthday alone can make you feel desolated and miserable, but this is not a bad thing at all. With the current situation, and the majority of us are still in quarantine, there is nothing wrong with going solo on our special day.

    So what if there is no one around on my birthday? It does not mean I cannot enjoy the special day alone. Even though my family and friends are miles away, there is no reason to celebrate birthdays alone when there is technology. What is the use of video calls, anyway?

    Sometimes, we need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy our time being ourselves. – Anonymous

    The best way to feel less solitary is by celebrating and having a great time. Our birthday comes only once a year, and we should not miss celebrating it even if we are alone. Whether it is birthdays or anniversaries, celebrations do not just stop during a worldwide pandemic. The pandemic took a great deal from us- our daily normal routine and even our jobs. Do not let it ruin our special day, as well.

    Here is how (I plan) to celebrate and enjoy (my) birthday alone while still being safe and healthy.

    Start the day by getting up early and giving thanks. There is no better way to start the day than by getting up early. This puts us in a good mood for the entire day. I am not a morning person, but I will try to wake up a little earlier on my birthday. I promise!

    Enliven my place, like hosting a big party with birthday banners and inflatables the day before my birthday to get into the party vibe. Waking up smiling, seeing your home decorated, is a pleasant feeling. For birthday banners and balloons, check out happydayph at Shopee. I received my orders a day after I placed my orders. That fast!

    Watch a live broadcast of the Mass. Since my birthday falls on a Sunday and public masses are still suspended, watching Mass online is one way of staying connected with the parish and the church. Thank God for technology!

    Treat myself to a delicious meal. Who does not love good food? For lunch, I will cook Pinaupong Manok, and for dinner, just Pesto Pasta. Or better yet, order via Grab Food/FoodPanda.

    What is a celebration without a cake? So what if no one brings me cake this time? I can get it at any rate. Buy that cake I have been looking forward to tasting. I love the minimalist cakes of Wadough’s and Aegyo Cakes. I could have secured a slot on my birthday if only I inquired earlier. All August slots are already taken as early as July. I still have Mary Grace Cheesecakes in my options, anyway.

    Binge a new series (not necessarily a new series) while having cocktails. I am planning to start watching “The 100″ on my birthday. I have not seen that post-apocalyptic fiction drama yet. There are lots of TV shows on Netflix. I bet it is well worth a watch because it is highly recommended by the Netflix Community. And yes, having cocktails while binge watching.

    Lockdown is only temporary. When this is over, there will be a time to celebrate with our loved ones. Plan a great party or trip for when everything is over. Or just begin to think about next year’s party celebration.

    Before the clock meets 12, write about things I am thankful for  or anything that I would like to remember about my birthday in my journal.

    Missing my family and being sad on my birthday is really OKAY. I realize that it is not as bad as what others are dealing with. I know I am not alone in this fight.
