• Life Lately

    A Day in Durham, NC

    Hey! I’m so excited to share our recent trip to Sarah P. Duke Gardens with you all. It was one of those perfect spring days where the sun was shining, and the air was filled with anticipation. The warmth of the sun and the clear blue sky set the perfect backdrop for our adventure.

    We had our hearts set on seeing the cherry blossoms in full bloom. While they were playing a bit of peek-a-boo with us in the gardens, we were thrilled to discover a stunning display of cherry blossoms on the Duke University campus! The sight of the delicate pink petals against the blue sky was absolutely enchanting.

    Everywhere we looked, there were bursts of color and the sweet fragrance of flowers in the air. We couldn’t help but pause every few steps to take it all in.

    One of the highlights of our day was visiting the Duke University Chapel. Its intricate architecture left us in awe. We spent some time exploring the grounds, taking photos, and simply soaking in the peaceful atmosphere.

    But you know what the best part was? It wasn’t about the cherry blossoms or the grandeur of the chapel. It was about being together as a family, sharing laughter and creating memories that we’ll cherish forever.

    Our stroll around the campus and gardens wasn’t even planned, but sometimes the best adventures are spontaneous. As we strolled hand in hand, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for moments like these. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that bring us the most joy – like spending a beautiful day surrounded by loved ones in a place as Sarah P. Duke Gardens.

    After our unplanned stroll, we headed to Red Crab Juicy Seafood for dinner. I had been eagerly anticipating some large sea crabs, and my cravings for seafood were finally satisfied – from succulent shrimp to juicy crab legs, all seasoned to perfection.! The delicious meal was the perfect way to end our day.

    Sure, we may not have found what we were originally looking for in the gardens, but what we discovered was so much better: the beauty of nature, the warmth of family, and the joy of being present in the moment.

    I am already looking forward to more unplanned trips like this one, where the unexpected becomes the highlight of our day.

    Sending you all lots of love and sunshine from our springtime adventure at Sarah P. Duke Gardens, the Duke University campus, and our delightful dinner at Red Crab Juicy Seafood!

  • Travels

    A Day at Jordan Lake

    Our trip to Jordan Lake was a spontaneous plan, thanks to my brother-in-law and his cousin, who also live here in North Carolina. We decided to spend an afternoon there, and it turned out to be a memorable day. We packed our lunch and snacks, opting for Popeye’s, which was a hit with everyone. With our food and essentials ready, we headed out to enjoy some quality family time by the lake.

    The weather was scorching hot, but that didn’t dampen our spirits. I had a lot of fun, especially chasing after my energetic nephew. Though I have to admit, I did get quite a bit of sun. Running around in the heat left me feeling like I was baking in the sun!

    Mom had an interesting outfit choice for the day—she wore long sleeves, thinking it might be chilly. Unfortunately, she didn’t anticipate the warm weather, so she ended up quite uncomfortable. It was a bit of a funny sight, seeing her dressed for cooler weather in the blazing sun.

    Despite the heat and a few wardrobe mishaps, our afternoon at Jordan Lake was filled with laughter and good times. The delicious Popeye’s lunch, the beautiful lake, and the joy of being together made it a day to remember. I look forward to more spontaneous adventures like this with family.

    After our picnic, we went to HMart, an Asian grocery store. It was my first time setting foot in the store, and I was amazed by the wide variety of Asian groceries and vegetables available. After our grocery shopping, we headed straight to Rajha’s cousin’s house for dinner. I had no idea why we were going to their house; I thought we were just sightseeing. It turned out they had prepared a dinner for us.

    The meal was incredible, with so much food that I couldn’t even try everything. I particularly enjoyed the fish, which I focused on while missing out on some other dishes. This unexpected dinner added another layer of joy to our day, making the entire experience at Jordan Lake and beyond truly unforgettable.

  • Random

    Mixed Emotions: Leaving the LPI Office

    Tomorrow is my last day at the LPI office for a while. I’ll be gone for 28 working days, almost 45 days in total. It’s a strange feeling; I’m not quite sure what to make of it. There’s a mix of emotions swirling around inside me.

    I’m excited and thrilled because I’ll be accompanying my mom to the USA. It’s a big trip, and the thought of it fills me with anticipation. But I’m also trying not to get too excited just yet.

    My sister told me that as soon as we get our passports, she’ll book our trip immediately. It’s going to be that quick! The idea of everything happening so fast is both exhilarating and a bit nerve-wracking.

    As I prepare for my last day at the office, I find myself reflecting on my time here. I’ll miss my colleagues and the routine we’ve built. But at the same time, I’m looking forward to the adventures that await.

    So, here’s to hoping for fantastic trip ahead. I’m ready for the change, even if it comes with a few jitters. Tomorrow will be a day of goodbyes and see-you-laters, and then it’s on to new experiences and memories. After a long vacation, I’ll be back, hopefully refreshed and full of new stories to share.

  • Life Lately

    Thank You Note

    Hey everyone, I’ve got some exciting news to share—I’ve been promoted to a Senior position, Senior System and Application Engineer! It’s a pretty big deal for me, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. But you know what’s on my mind now? Sending a thank-you note to my Head. Yep, it’s important to show appreciation, and I want to make sure I get it just right.

    So, “thank you for the promotion” is a good start, but I think I can do better. After all, this isn’t just any promotion. How cool is that? I’m thinking of putting a little extra effort into my thank-you note to really let him know how grateful I am.

    I mean, they appreciate gratitude, right? And what better way to show it than with a heartfelt thank-you note? It’s like saying, “Hey, thanks for believing in me and giving me this amazing opportunity.” Plus, it’s a chance for me to express my excitement about the new position and all the cool stuff I’ll get to do.

    But where do I even start? So yeah, sending a thank-you note might seem like a small thing, but I think it’s important. It’s a chance for me to acknowledge all the hard work that went into getting me to this point and to show my boss that I’m ready to step up and make the most of this incredible opportunity.

    Wish me luck!

  • Random

    40 Before 40

    I am not sure how it happened so fast. It has been a month since I turned 39. In less than a year, I will be FORTY. And not even far enough in life.

    See: How I Celebrated My Birthday

    Honestly speaking, I could not be more excited. It cannot be avoided. That is life.

    Life begins at 40, they say.

    But before I turn that age, I want to accomplish things that I felt I should have done in my twenties. I want to complete at least a handful of these before I reach it.

    I have been meaning to write this list for a while now, but I always got distracted. But I am determined to make it happen. I know it is going to be exciting.

    40 things in less than a year is a lot, but I will try my best ticking most before I am 40 or even 50. This is all about having fun chasing dreams.

    See: {Travel Bucket List} 80+ Challenges

    Here are my 40 goals before I turn 40.

    1. Travel somewhere SOLO – It scares and excites me in equal measure.
    2. Book a photoshoot session – Capture this moment in time.
    3. Take a road trip – I started driving this year; now I’m ready for an adventure.
    4. Celebrate New Year in a different province – Ring in the New Year somewhere new.
    5. Do a five-kilometer run – My first marathon attempt.
    6. Get in shape – Reach 65kg and feel confident in a bikini.
    7. Develop an exercise routine – Make fitness a habit.
    8. Enjoy a spa day every now and then – Regular self-care.
    9. Launch a YouTube Channel – Maybe about road trips? Let’s see.
    10. Try a short haircut – But not shorter than last year.
    11. Give my hair a lighter hue – Step out of my comfort zone.
    12. Get rid of credit card debt – Financial freedom by forty.
    13. Have savings and insurance – Start a side hustle if needed.
    14. Complete a 30 to 120-day “No Spend” challenge – No Shopee/Lazada, no FoodPanda.
    15. Build a capsule wardrobe – Find and stick to a style that works for me.
    16. Plan my 40th birthday with family – A celebration to remember.
    17. Buy/Get myself an amazing 40th birthday present – I deserve it.
    18. Write in my blog every single day – Consistency is key.
    19. Ride a motorcycle – Recently learned and planning to own one.
    20. Become a morning person – A lifelong challenge for this night owl.

    Continue reading, we are only half way there.
