
My Dream Escapade

My long-awaited Caramoan dream escapade has finally resurfaced, thanks to Ma’am Kathy’s brilliant suggestion to change our plans from Baguio-Sagada to this stunning beach destination. As someone who loves beaches and sand, I couldn’t be more thrilled. There’s something about the aquamarine waters rushing to my feet that fills me with peace and serenity.

Read : Why I Love the Beach Even If I Can’t Swim

My friends and office mates have planned a three-day trip to Caramoan, Camarines Sur, to celebrate Ma’am Kathy’s birthday. Finally, we’re all on the same page. I’m looking forward to spending our time exploring nature instead of the usual drinking and karaoke bars. Let’s make the most of our time together and paint Camarines Sur red!

Caramoan Islands boast pristine beaches, powdery-white sands, aquamarine waters, and stunning limestone formations. It’s no wonder it’s become one of the top destinations in the country. This is why Caramoan has always been one of my dream destinations—it reminds me so much of the beauty of El Nido, Palawan.

While my friends aren’t as familiar with DIY trips, we’ve opted to go with a travel tour agent for this adventure. Though DIY trips can be thrilling and unforgettable, especially when shared with close friends, sometimes it’s nice to have the convenience and guidance that a travel agency provides.

So, which do you prefer—DIY trips or traveling with a tour agency? Let’s discuss!
